Just as the environment, soil and weather effect a winery's use of certain grapes, AsomBroso and our use of agave (the plant in which tequila derives from) is no different.
Agave can be harvested from the lowlands (also known as the valley), and/or the highlands. Each of which has its very own environmental characteristics that change the natural taste of the agave. Different tequila brands can choose to harvest either one or combine a mix of the two depending on the flavor profile they are looking for.

Lowlands agave grow in the El Valle region of Mexico in volcanic soil with fewer minerals . The weather is harsh and dry and the nights are warm. The result is a tougher, less hydrated plant that pulls its essence from the dry soil around it. This leads the agave to have a spicier flavor with earthy, clay nuances. The common tastes and aromas are herb, grass and mineral with a hint of cinnamon.
Lowland agave is also more abundant and easier to obtain making for a cheaper agave plant to purchase for tequila creation.

AsomBroso only harvests premium highlands 100% organic blue agave. Highland agave grows in the Los Altos region of Mexico in a much more mineral and iron rich soil. This is due to the red volcanic earth more apparent in the highland regions. The climate is also colder due to the cooler nights with a much higher chance of rain. This causes the agave to mature slower with a higher sugar yield producing a much fruitier, sweet taste. The aroma is much more floral and light, with a hint of sweet cream, vanilla, citrus and honey.
The texture of the tequila also changes from region. Lowland tequilas hold a more syrupy texture. They have a higher viscosity which sits longer on the tongue. Highland tequilas are much more delicate with a lower viscosity. The tequila does not sit long making highland tequilas sipping experience less aggressive.
To broaden your knowledge of AsomBroso's tequila we recommend chilling before sipping. Let the tequila gently lay on the tongue for a moment. As the tequila warms you will taste all the flavors of our agave heritage. This will give you a deeper understanding of the complexity of highland tequilas and also give you a better comparison of any other high or lowland tequila you encounter.